Monday, January 31, 2011

Crazy Mondays

After the weekend, Mondays are always super hectic. Today I have done 4 loads of laundry (with at least 3 left to do), taken the recycling, and gone to the grocery store--all with both kids in tow. ( I generally bribe them with yummy food or cartoons to make them behave :). The rest of the afternoon will be spent tackling Payment Systems and reviewing notes for tomorrow's classes. Luckily I bought myself some incentives to motivate performance--new slippers and the book L and I are reading together for our "book club." Sooo if I am very productive, I can soak in a bubble bath, drink a glass of wine and start reading some non-law loveliness!!

Going to the grocery store requires a lot of prep work. I am really trying to be better about meal planning, so I have to get all the ingredients I need for the menu. On the menu this week:
  • Mexi Pizza (thanks to Pioneer Woman)
  • Spicy BBQ Meatballs with corn muffins
  • Oven fried chicken salads
  • Potato Soup with BLTs
Those are the planned meals. In general, some kind of pasta dish appears on the menu and take-out/dinner out happens occasionally.

I also have to make sure that we have things for snacks, lunches, kids snacks, kids lunches etc. My essentials being
  • Cheese--I love it, kids love it, it is loved
  • crackers
  • pretzels
  • almonds and mixed dry fruit (my go to snack)
  • yogurt
  • fruit (this week we bought plums and Libby was very excited)
Mondays are generally also the day that I try to reflect on the message given at church. Yesterday was the first 5 verses of Romans 5, and Kirk highlighted the fact that we have 3 things because of God's justification--access to grace, hope of glory and the ability to rejoice even in our suffering. I want to continue to think about those concepts and read more before I blog my thoughts. I will end with the lyrics from a song that we sang yesterday--it is one of my favorites

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea
A great high Priest whose name is love
who ever lives and pleads for me

My name is graven on His hands
my name is written on His heart
I know that while in heaven He stands
no tongue can bid me thence depart

1 comment:

  1. mmm... I keep those lyrics in my heart constantly! I absolutely love the song.
    (particularly when Shane and Shane are singing it :)
    love you!


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