Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

A post about resolutions on New Years. I am the most original person on the planet! But I am excited to put on paper what I am hoping and praying to see this year.

I am a goal-setting kind of person. I like having something to work toward. I like seeing my progress. I like the feeling of finishing something I set out to do. However, I am also very hard on myself when I don't reach them. I ruminate on the things that I couldn't accomplish instead of moving forward and trying again. 

But this year, I want to do a NEW THING. I was reading Isaiah this morning and God says,

"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.

See I am doing A NEW THING!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." 
Isaiah 43:18-19

This year I want to keep my eyes forward-even when plans fall apart, or the world isn't what I think it should be. I want to see what God is doing and join in. I want to rest in Him. 

So that sounds nice, but what does it mean? For me, it means not setting such definite goals. All my life it has been... I want to lose 10 lbs; I want to memorize 4 verses a month; I want to run 3 days a week.  Those goals are all great! But for me, it can turn into a prison cell. Instead I want to make a list of my prayers--a list of the woman that I want to be, what I want my life to look like. I will try to post about how they are progressing, and any and all tips that I can give.

My prayers:
To be in the Word-to fall more in love with Jesus everyday
To teach my kids the Word and help them fall in love with Him too
To be tuned in when I am home
To cook as much as possible
To be an encourager to Corey
To graduate from law school
To pass the bar exam (eek)
To take care of my body
To believe compliments 
To read books
To read books to my kids
To teach Libby to tie her shoe laces
To take walks as a family
To grow deeper in my friendships 
To learn patience
To start more traditions

There might be more. I might update the list occasionally. I will *hopefully* be able to cross a few off (namely law school/bar exam).  But I am committed to this year being a wonderful and hard and growing and crazy year. I am excited to see the NEW THINGS that God has in store for me, for my family, for my church...

Hello 2012. I am ready for you!

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