Monday, April 16, 2012

It is a week of lasts...

This marks my final week of classes. (unless you count bar-prep classes and I am obviously not. They are in a league all their own.) I already finished one class up last week. Two more will be over today. And I am not feeling particularly nostalgic--it will just be weird to not be here.

In a very short amount of time this place becomes your home away from home (especially first year). You eat here. You study here. You occasionally fall asleep on the couches in the student lounge. You make friends quickly. You pride yourself on finding the secret bathrooms. You fall into routines.

Second and third years, I wasn't here as much. But it is still part of my daily existence. I have identified myself as a law student for the last three years, and in a few short weeks I will be a graduate. In a few short months I will be an attorney (hopefully one that is licensed to practice). And the friends that I have made will scatter. The walls I am accustomed to will just be a part of the last chapter. It's weird. (ok so I guess I am being somewhat nostalgic--it will only get worse :) Endings bring it out in me...

PS-found these bookends on Pinterest and I LOVE 

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